Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Sausalito: Mon, Tues, Thurs
Petaluma: Wednesdays
Please call if you are having difficulty finding a time that works for you
Adrienne Thomason, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
Holistic Pelvic Care TM
Pelvic Pain, Pregnancy PeriNatal Care,Incontinence, Menopause
3030 Bridgeway, Suite 110 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
616 Petaluma Blvd N., Suite B on the Third Wednesday and Thursday of Each Month In "The Luma Center"
*Call for alternate days/times including Telehealth option

Pelvic floor imbalance occurs for many reasons. It is now time to bring your pelvic needs out of the closet and end your quiet suffering, transitioning from surviving into thriving.
At Women's Root Wisdom your pelvic needs, on a physical, emotional and energetic level can be addressed.
On a physical level we can enhance your life if you are considering getting pregnant, are currently pregnant, post-partum, experiencing pelvic pain, have painful menstrual cycles, experience pain with sex, have bowel or bladder concerns, are peri or post menopausal, or have prolapse of pelvic organs with pelvic floor physical therapy.
On an emotional and energetic level we can midwife accessing the power of your root for your transformational potential to nurture your creative dreams and change the core patterns that have diminished your radiance...up until now. Holistic Pelvic Care (TM) is basic wellness and maintenance just like massage or exercise are, with profound results. As women, our feminine essence, creative capacity, and the seeds of all of our desires live and are nurtured in the pelvic bowl.
Meet Adrienne
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
Root Wisdom Coach
Adrienne brings to the table 39 years as a physical therapist. Through her own journey of transformation and through working with hundreds of women on their healing journey, the Women's Root Wisdom integrated approach to pelvic care came into creation.

What do we help with?
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Bladder Concerns
Pelvic Pain
Pain with Sex
Pain with Menstrual Cycles
Vulvar and Vestibular Pain
Menopause: Genitourinary Syndrome
Transition in to Menopause and Beyond
Nurturing Creative Dreams and Potentials
Reclaiming Radiance, Joy, and Sensuality in the Pelvic Bowl
Pre and Post Partum Pelvic Care
Pregnancy Preparation
Birth Processing
Adrienne's care for me was felt deeply. Her expansive knowledge of the female body and the interconnection of the body and it's systems really helped me with my pelvic challenges. I found her intuition and acute perceptions led to the best recommendations and ultimately to great healing for me.
I scheduled an appointment as a last ditch attempt at getting my body back. I have always been fit and athletic as a life long runner, however after having two children, I started experiencing bouts of incontinence when I ran or did any type of jumping movements. I didn't even know that there were PT's that specialized in pelvic floor issues. I was nervous at first when we discussed internal pelvic therapy, but Adrienne is so kind and professional that I was immediately at ease. Each session was different and I walked away with a whole new perspective on pelvic health.
I am grateful for Adrienne's excellent care. I am feeling so much better since starting my pelvic physical therapy. The difference is noticeable. Her professionalism, concern and friendliness were much appreciated.